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Receipt Printing Parameters
The Receipt Process is available to Premium and Advanced Edition subscribers. Receipt Printing Parameters relate specifically to what information is printed on the receipt given to a customer, and what links are provided when the receipt is sent to the customer by email. These parameters can be set by an Administrator from the Admin Tab / Parameters and Settings menu.
Suppress rate eligibility on receiptReceipt Printing Parameters
Attestation on Customer ReceiptFor subscribers with prepay or club rates, eligibility for those rates is normally shown on the customer receipt. This parameter removes that information.
Includes entered text (often a signature line) at the bottom of the customer receipt.
Show captured signature on receipt
If enabled, the customer receipt will include the signature image captured via signature pad or PDA. For more information, please see Signature Capture.
Show Billing Meter on receipt
If enabled, beginning and ending meter readings will be included on the customer receipt.
Show Itinerary on receipt
If enabled, entered itinerary will be included on the customer receipt by airport identifier. (Itinerary: KDAN � ATL � LEX � KDAN)
Show Lesson Description on receipt
If enabled, the lesson description will be included on the customer receipt.
Show Service Description on receipt
If enabled, the general Service Order description will be included on the customer receipt.
Include links to view Service Order and Cost Analysis on e-mailed receipts
Recommended. If enabled, links to these documents will be included on the e-mailed customer receipt.
Summarize staff premiums on receipt
If enabled, multiple staff premium line items for either IFR/Advanced or Multi will be summarized into one line item on the customer receipt.
Summarize multiple fuelings on receipts
If enabled, multiple fuelings on one transaction will be summarized to a single sale on the customer receipt.
Net fuel and discounts on receipt
If the option to summarize multiple fuelings on the customer receipt is enabled, enabling this option will cause fuel discounts not to be shown as separate line items on the customer receipt.
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01/17/11 cli