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Receipt Preparation Parameters

The Receipt Process is available to Premium and Advanced Edition subscribers. Receipt Preparation Parameters provide the basic settings for automatic receipt preparation. Many of the settings in the Receipt Preparation Parameters "switch on" receipt options that are further defined and automated through other related parameters as indicated in this document and listed in the "See Also" box above. These parameters can be set by an Administrator from the Admin Tab / Parameters and Settings menu. 

Receipt Preparation Parameters

Fuel surcharge is sales tax exempt

If not enabled, the fuel surcharge is taxed at the fuel sales tax rate for the location. The fuel surcharge amount is set in the resource rates for aircraft. When applied, the charge automatically appears as receipt line item:

Apply insurance surcharge to

If used, the amount of this premium/surcharge is set in the resource rates for aircraft. This parameter directs how those rates are applied. Options are: Never, All flights, Solo flights only, All flights when expired, Solo flights when expired. When applied, the charge automatically appears as receipt line item:

Minimum flight time per reservation (as a percent of time reserved)

If enabled, this only appears if a 24-Hour Minimum charge does NOT apply. 

For example, if someone reserves 4 hours and you have a 50% minimum, and actual elapsed Hobbs is 1 hour, they will be charged for 1 more hour automatically, since the minimum is 2 hours (50% of the reservation).

When applied, the charge automatically appears as receipt line item:

Minimum flight time per 24 hours reserved (hours)

This fee gets applied for each 24 hours that pass between Departure Date / Time and Return Date / Time.

This is a default value to be used for all aircraft unless the resource record specifies a different minimum.

For example, if your minimum is 3 hours, and the aircraft has been out more than 24 hours but less than 48 hours, and actual elapsed Hobbs is 2 hours, 1 hour will be added automatically.

When applied, the charge automatically appears as receipt line item:

Receipt Preparation Parameters (continued)

Include Classroom Ground Instruction

This receipt item will appear only for instructors authorized for classroom ground instruction in their resource data (usage allowed). If enabled, the following code becomes available in the drop-down boxes for use during receipt preparation:

Classroom Ground Instruction Rate

This will appear as the preset rate during receipt preparation, but it can be adjusted on the receipt. 

Foreign aircraft instruction surcharge

This surcharge is applied when an instructor flies in a customer's aircraft. This is triggered by the entry of a "foreign" tail number on the check-in form. This does not result in a separate line item on the receipt; instead the rate is automatically adjusted.

IFR/Advanced and Multi Instruction fields are applied as (Rates / Premiums)

If used, these rates/premiums are set in the resource rates for instructors. These items are most commonly set as a premium/surcharge. When using these fields as rates, you cannot also use level rates for instructors. However, you may still use the level discounts in the Customer Level parameters. When applied, the charge automatically appears as receipt line item:

Receipt Preparation Parameters (continued)

Include Insurance Pool

Enable if customers / members contribute to a "nicks and dings" fund. If enabled, the following code becomes available in the drop-down boxes for use during receipt preparation:

Insurance Pool Rate

This will appear as the preset rate during receipt preparation, but it can be adjusted on the receipt.

Merchandise Sales Enabled

Allows merchandise sales during receipt preparation. There are two merchandise codes to support different sales tax rates for different types of merchandise. This parameter must also be set to use Merchandise Shortcuts or to sell merchandise from inventory.  If enabled, the following codes become available in the drop-down boxes for use during receipt preparation:

Rebate Processing Enabled

This parameter must be enabled to use Rebate Shortcuts during receipt preparation. When applied, rebates automatically appear as receipt line item:

Special Offers Enabled

This parameter must be enabled to use Special Offers during receipt preparation. When applied, special offers appear as receipt line item:

Include day rate and overnight charge

If enabled, this surcharge is set in the resource rates for aircraft or flight staff, and creates the following codes in the receipt page drop-down boxes:

Include training packages

Allows financial tracking of training package sale. Details of the sale are input during the receipt preparation. If enabled, the following code becomes available in the drop-down boxes for use during receipt preparation:

Include shop charges

If enabled, the following codes become available in the drop-down boxes for use during receipt preparation:

Default shop labor rate

This option sets a default shop labor rate for receipt preparation and service orders (if not specified in the individual mechanics' resource data).

Default multi labor premium

This option sets a default multi labor premium/adder for service orders (if not specified in the individual mechanics' resource data).

Default advanced labor premium

This option sets a default advanced labor premium/adder for service orders (if not specified in the individual mechanics' resource data).

Include Third Party Charges

If enabled, the following code becomes available in the drop-down boxes for use during receipt preparation:

Promote fuel types to drop-down box

Specifies whether the drop-down box on the main receipt screen includes just "Fuel" or includes each fuel type, (e.g., Fuel-100LL, Fuel-JetA). The purpose of this parameter is to balance the number of items in the receipt drop-down box with the number of tanks in the fuel selection drop-down box. Recommended for FBOs with four or more disbursement tanks / trucks.

Show fuel discounts as line item

If not enabled, fuel discounts are not a separate line item on the receipt and the rate is automatically adjusted. If enabled, fuel discounts automatically appear as an additional receipt line item:

Receipt Preparation Parameters (continued)

Include user-defined charges

This parameter must be enabled to use Charge Shortcuts during receipt preparation. If enabled, the following code becomes available in the drop-down boxes for use during receipt preparation:

Additional credit item name 1

User-defined credit shortcut. If enabled, the following code becomes available in the drop-down boxes for use during receipt preparation:

Additional credit item name 2 

User-defined credit shortcut. If enabled, the following code becomes available in the drop-down boxes for use during receipt preparation:

Receipt Preparation Parameters (continued)

Close ALL transactions to Customer charge (Requires Advanced Edition)

This option is intended for clubs that bill for all flights at month end. A setting of yes simplifies all receipt preparation by eliminating payment options and account selection. 

Close Customer-entered transactions to Customer charge (Requires Advanced Edition)

If customer self check-in is allowed (see Customer / Member Parameters), enabling this parameter eliminates payment options and account selection, closing all customer-entered transactions to monthly charge account.

Curricular training record must be entered before receipt close-out

When advanced curriculum tracking is enabled, requires instructors to complete a customer training record before a receipt can be finished. This does not prevent the collection of funds from the customer, but does prevent the final closing of the receipt.

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