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Preparing Service Orders

Service Orders can be opened from an existing service estimate or newly created. Either can be accomplished from the FrontDesk tab. 

In general, the service process is as follows:

The above steps are covered in this document with screen shots included as examples. Please take the time to click on the thumbnails to review the screen shots, many of which have been highlighted to point out important information. 

Convert Estimate to Service Order

To convert an existing service estimate to a service order:

  1. Place the customer In Focus.
  2. Select View/Update.
  3. Select Prev Estim.
  4. A list of all current estimates for the customer will appear. Open the appropriate estimate by clicking on the tail number.

    Service Estimates List

  5. The original estimate form will appear. Click the Open Order button at the bottom of the form. After following the onscreen instructions to input the promised completion date, the Service Order is opened and In Progress.

Open New Service Order

To open a new service order (without an existing estimate):

  1. Place the customer In Focus.
  2. Select Operate/Sell.
  3. Select Open.
  4. Click the customer name button to start the Service Order process.

    Open New Service Order

  5. After following the onscreen instructions to select or input the aircraft tail number and required completion date, the Service Order Information screen will appear. If the aircraft is already in the system from the customer doing business with you previously, much of this form will be pre-filled.

    Service Order Information

  6. On the Service Order Information screen enter the basic information about the aircraft, and a simple Service Description. For example, the Service Description might be "Annual Inspection", with detailed descriptions of the work to be performed following in the next steps.

    Notice the Defined Phrases and Service Packages links. Links like these appear throughout the process of creating service estimates and service orders to allow the quick input of predefined information. For more information about setting up these shortcuts, please see Service Order Parameters.

    Once all data is entered, Continue to the next screen.

  7. The next step in creating the service order is adding the discrepancies. A simple service order may only have one or two discrepancies, while a more involved one, like an Annual Inspection, may have many. 

    Add Discrepancies

  8. In the example above, note the Previously Deferred Discrepancies link. If a repeat customer has deferred work previously, clicking this link will bring up a list of deferred discrepancies so you can add them into the current estimate or order if needed. Also note the Standard/Fixed Rates and Defined Phrases links. Links like these appear throughout the process of creating service estimates and service orders to allow the quick input of predefined information. For more information about setting up these shortcuts, please see Service Order Parameters.

    Also note the navigational links included at the bottom of the page. During the process of entering and editing service estimates and service orders, these type of links appear to allow you to go back to the full view of the document.

    Once the discrepancy description has been entered, click Add Discrepancy to move to the next screen.

  9. On the Edit Discrepancy screen, you'll create the estimate for the work included on this specific discrepancy. In the screen shot below, you'll see the screen as it is before any entries have been made.

    Edit Discrepancy

    Once the needed information has been entered, click Update to move to the next screen.

  10. On the next screen, review the information that was entered for the discrepancy. It can be edited if changes need to be made. Also, additional discrepancies can be added.

    Review / Add Discrepancies

    Once all discrepancies have been created, use the Go To option at the bottom of the screen to View Service Order. You'll be taken to the Service Order In Progress.

Obtain Customer Approval

When a service order is newly opened and In Progress, the first step needed is to review the 'Approval' status of each discrepancy. The initial status is "No Contact", indicating that the customer has not yet granted approval to proceed with the work.

Of course you may receive approval to proceed directly from the customer, in which case the status can be changed manually; however, MyFBO also includes an option to send the discrepancy details to your customer by e-mail so they can easily review and approve or defer each individual discrepancy. This option is enabled by an Administrator from the Admin Tab / Parameters and Settings menu. For more information, please see Service Order Parameters.  

  1. To manually change the approval status, click on the small edit detail link next to each Discrepancy Detail section. To e-mail for approval, use the E-mail For Approval button. If additional discrepancies are added to the service order later, it is still possible to e-mail for approval of those additional items. 

    Approval Options

  2. If you use the E-mail For Approval button, the e-mail to be sent will open in a new window. Once reviewed, click the Send For Approval to send it to the customer.

    Approval Needed E-mail

  3. Confirmation that the e-mail was sent will be shown, and the approval status on the service order will change to "Contacted".

    Confirmation and Status Change

  4. Below is an example of the e-mail that the customer receives. The email contains a link that the customer will click to review and approve the proposed service work.

    E-mail Received by Customer

  5. The customer has two options to review and approve. They can do it directly from the e-mail, or they can log in to MyFBO from the e-mail and review the details of this service order and any others they may have. 

    Note that both options require that the customer enter their password. For instructions on creating a customer in your system and providing them with login credentials, please see Adding a New Customer.

    Customer Approval Options

If the customer selects to log in to your MyFBO system, they arrive on the customer menu and only see information that pertains to their individual account. From the Aircraft Tab, they can see Service Lists, which includes the service estimates and service orders open on their account. They can also see Actions Needed, which is a list of all discrepancies awaiting customer approval or deferral.

Service Lists

Actions Needed

Prepare Service Order

All sections of In Progress service orders can be edited as the work proceeds. In general, the sections of the service order are meant to be completed in order. The sections of the form are:

Below is a screen shot of a newly opened In Progress service order after the customer has approved work to proceed. The links in this screen shot are active. Click on any green link to open the resulting screen, just as you would when working in a service order. 

Below is a screen shot of an In Progress service order after the work has been completed and inspected, but prior to the service order being finalized. Note the Show Cost To Date and Mark Service Order Complete buttons at the bottom of the form. These buttons are active in the screen shot, which means you can click them to open the resulting screen, just as you would when working in a service order. 

The Show Cost To Date option appears on In Progress orders and allows you to provide a preliminary cost report of work already completed to your customer. Often on a service order with numerous discrepancies, a customer may want to know where they stand as the work is being done, but you do not want to give them a document that could be construed as "final" cost.  The Preliminary Cost Analysis serves this purpose, as it only includes totals for work completed. Click the Show Cost To Date button now to see an example.

Once all work on a service order is complete, use the Mark Service Order Complete button to finalize the order and move on to the final receipt preparation. Click the Mark Service Order Complete button now to see an example.

Once the service order has been completed, the Cost Analysis will appear for review. This is an opportunity to review all charges for accuracy prior to opening the final receipt.

Once the Cost Analysis has been reviewed, click Continue. You'll be taken to the Review Tab and a list of all open tickets waiting to be completed. 

Receipt of Payment 

From the Review Tab, shown below, a list of all open tickets waiting to be completed is available. Locate the applicable service order, select Finish Ticket and click Go.

Review Tab

The final receipt will open for review and acceptance of payment. Notice on the example below that a link is included to Show Service Order, allowing quick access back to the Service Order document and the Cost Analysis document if there are any questions, or if you would like to print copies these documents for the customer.

Also notice that this view of the open receipt gives detailed information regarding the parts included on the service order, along with labor summary lines for each individual discrepancy. 

Open Receipt

The printed and/or e-mailed receipt received by the customer is more of a simple summary document, providing only totals for each category (labor, merchandise, third party charges, etc.).

Customer Receipt

Documents Provided to the Customer

Because all shops vary in what information they wish to include on service documents for customers, and because customers also vary in what information they wish to receive, MyFBO offers a number of different service documents and possibilities for sharing them with the customer.



Printable by Staff Can be E-mailed to Customer Can be Viewed by Customer Online1
Service Estimate Yes No Yes  (Aircraft Tab if released)
Service Order (In Progress) Yes, but not recommended Yes4 Yes  (Aircraft Tab)
Cost to Date (In Progress) Yes Yes4 Yes  (Aircraft Tab)
Completed Service Order Yes Yes2 Yes  (Aircraft Tab)
Cost Analysis Yes Yes2 Yes  (Aircraft Tab)
Final Receipt Yes Yes Yes  (Records Tab / Recent Transactions)
Supporting Documents3 Yes Yes Yes  (Records Tab / Recent Transactions)

1 Dependent upon customer being assigned login credentials. For instructions on creating a customer in your system and providing them with login credentials, please see Adding a New Customer.

2 Dependent upon setting in Receipt Printing Parameters to "Include links to view Service Order and Cost Analysis on e-mailed receipts". For more information, please see Receipt Printing Parameters.

3 Dependent upon Documents and Images settings in Features and Options. For more information, please see Document Management

4 Available from the List Service Orders (In Progress or Complete) option via Manage Tab / Service Order Menu. 

Depending on how much information you wish to give your customer, it is possible to present them with a printed service package, including:

Note: The step after Cost Analysis is preparation of the receipt, which includes a great deal of detail that does not get passed to the final customer receipt. 

To see an example, click here.


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