The option to Estimate Service is located under the FrontDesk tab. Please
click the thumbnails included while going through the steps below to create a
simple service estimate.
- To create an estimate, first place the customer in focus and use the Estimate
/ Estimate Service option. This can be accomplished from either the
Ribbon menu or the Button menu (see below).
Open an Estimate
- Follow the onscreen
instructions to select a customer.
Select Customer
- Select or input an aircraft tail number, and the number of days the
estimate is valid. Continue to the next screen.
Select Tail Number
- The Service
Order Estimate Information screen will appear. If the aircraft is
already in the system from the customer doing business with you previously, much of this form
will be pre-filled. In our example, we are creating a quick estimate for an
aircraft that we have not serviced before.
Estimate Information Screen
- On the Service
Order Estimate Information screen enter the basic information about the
aircraft, and a simple Service Description. For example, the Service
Description might be "Annual Inspection", with detailed
descriptions of the work to be performed following in the next steps.
Notice the Defined Phrases and Service Packages links.
Links like these appear throughout the process of creating service estimates
and service orders to allow the quick input of predefined information. For
more information about setting up these shortcuts, please see Service
Order Parameters.
Once all data is entered, Continue to the next screen.
- The next step in creating the estimate is adding the discrepancies. A
simple estimate may only have one or two discrepancies, while a more
involved one, like an Annual Inspection, may have many.
Adding Discrepancies
- For simplicity, in our example (above) only one discrepancy is being
Note the Previously Deferred Discrepancies link. If a repeat
customer has deferred work previously, clicking this link will bring up a
list of deferred discrepancies so you can add them into the current estimate
or order if needed. Also note the Standard/Fixed Rates and Defined Phrases
links. Links like these
appear throughout the process of creating service estimates and service
orders to allow the quick input of predefined information. For more
information about setting up these shortcuts, please see Service
Order Parameters.
Also note the navigational links included at the bottom of the page.
During the process of entering and editing service estimates and service
orders, these type of links appear to allow you go back to the full view of
the document.
Once the discrepancy description has been entered, click Add
Discrepancy to move to the next screen.
- On the Edit Discrepancy screen, you'll create the estimate
for the work included on this specific discrepancy. In the screen shot
below, you'll see the screen as it is before any entries have been made.
Edit Discrepancy Screen (empty)
- Estimated Labor Hours - Create the estimate for this discrepancy
based on a number of hours at a specific rate per hour.
- Labor Rate - Set the per hour labor rate for this discrepancy.
The rate shown is the rate that is set as the system default, but it can
be changed. To set to a non-standard rate, input the new rate, and set the Estimating/Final drop down selector to Final. Selecting
Final locks the labor rate for the individual discrepancy.
This allows you to set a non-standard fixed per hour labor rate on a discrepancy by discrepancy basis. This rate will then override any other
labor rates, including default rate, customer level rates / discounts, multi or advanced premiums, and rates set in mechanic resource records.
- Estimated Parts - Either enter an amount, or use the Estimated
Parts link to create the parts estimate from parts in inventory. If
you use the Estimated Parts link, the parts are totaled on the
estimate, but aren't listed individually on the estimate; however, when the estimate gets converted to a service
order, the same parts are available to be quickly added to the discrepancy with the
click of a button.
Draw Estimated Parts
- "Fixed Price" Quoted Amount - This option is used
instead of "Estimated Labor Hours" if you want to quote a flat
labor amount for the discrepancy regardless of the number of hours it
takes to complete. If you are going to do the work for the customer
free of charge, you should enter -1 in this field.
- Mechanic Pay Hours - This field is typically left at 0. The field
does not affect the estimate or the service order at all. It exists as a
way to pay the mechanic for less time than actually worked, and
might be used if work was being performed a second time due to mechanic
fault. In that case, you would enter -1 for no pay, or a specific number
of hours.
- Inspector Pay Hours - This field is typically left at 0. The
field does not affect the estimate or the service order at all. It exists
as a way to pay the inspector for less time than actually worked,
and might be used if work was being performed a second time due to
inspector fault. In that case, you would enter -1 for no pay, or a
specific number of hours.
On the Edit Discrepancy screen shown below, parts have been
estimated at $415 and labor has been quoted at a "fixed price" of $270,
regardless of how many labor hours are required to complete the discrepancy.
When the estimate gets converted to a service order, labor hours worked will
still be tracked, but customers will never see them.
Once the quote information has been entered, click Update to move to the next screen.
Edit Discrepancy Screen (completed)
- On the next screen, review the quote information that was entered for the
discrepancy. It can be edited if changes need to be made. Also, additional
discrepancies can be added, once again following steps 6 through 9 above. For
simplicity, in the example estimate only one discrepancy has been entered.
Once estimate information is complete, from options at the bottom of the
screen the service estimate can be released to the customer, opened into a
service order, or viewed (View Service Order Estimate). To Release
a service estimate is to make it available for review by the customer via the
online customer interface. Open Order immediately changes the estimate
into an open / in progress service order.
Estimate Discrepancies
- The resulting service order estimate is shown below. This page can
also be printed.
Note the options to Delete, Withdraw, and Open Order
(Reserve is under construction). To make corrections to a service estimate after it has been released, or to
take it out of the customer's view, the Withdraw option is used. Once an estimate is withdrawn,
it can be edited and released again if needed.
Service Order Estimate (completed)