Status of Orders In Progress
The Status of Orders In Progress option is available from the Manage tab
/ Service Order menu. Managers, mechanics, and others who have been granted
access can use this option to see the status / progress of all open service orders.
- Click the Manage tab.
- Click Service Orders.
- Scroll down to the Status of Orders In Progress option. Click Go.
This report shows the status of every open service order, including the
following information:
- Days remaining until promised completion date, or dates past the promised
completion date
- Estimated labor hours compared to labor hours to date
- Estimated labor cost compared to labor cost to date
- Estimated parts cost compared to parts cost to date
- Estimated total cost compared to cost to date
- Also, clicking on the small plus sign (+) next to the ticket number for
any service order on the list will display all the above information on an
individual discrepancy basis.
02/04/10 cli