Dispatch and Check In Basics | Back Forward Print this topic |
Use of the Dispatch and Check-in functions is optional for MyFBO.com subscribers. However, since this process is the only source of collecting actual flight data, many other functions and options are not available or only partially available unless the dispatch and check-in functions are used, including:
Enabling Dispatch and Check-in
Dispatch and Check-in functions are enabled by a System Administrator from the Admin Tab / Features & Options menu.
The Dispatch and Check-in process is then further defined by a System Administrator via the Dispatch & Check-in Parameters available from the Admin Tab / Parameters & Settings menu. This definition determines exactly what data appears and is collected on the Dispatch and Check-in forms.
If you have questions about enabling and defining your Dispatch and Check-in parameters, please feel free to contact MyFBO support staff for assistance ( [email protected] ).
Dispatch / Check-in Process
MyFBO has a very thorough Qualification and Limitations checker. The Q&L checker evaluates the records of a pilot/student for proper qualifications before processing a reservation or allowing dispatch. Depending on the settings established by the Administrator for your system, the Q&L checker may allow, warn, or block scheduling, dispatch, or both if certain information is not on file or qualifications are not met (e.g., Customer is Current). After first setup with MyFBO, you may see many of these warnings until the records of your customers get updated. Whenever a reservation or dispatch is blocked, a manager can override the block. Printing out the list of warnings/blocks is a good opportunity to discuss with your customer/student what information is still needed for their record.
Customer records can be updated as needed by putting the customer In Focus and clicking the View/Update action.
Q&L Checker Example
When the Q&L checks are met successfully, a dispatch sheet is printed for the flight staff or pilot to carry with them. The dispatch sheet contains important flight related information, along with data fields to be filled in with required information after the flight is complete.
When the flight is complete, the information on the dispatch sheet is used to properly check-in the flight in the MyFBO system. Check-in is important. The information provided on the completed dispatch form provides for tracking of aircraft utilization, tracking of aircraft usage in relation to upcoming maintenance, tracking of staff flight and ground hours for payroll purposes, tracking of the same hours for customer billing purposes and Time In Type records.
There are a number of ways to accomplish the Dispatch / Check-in process, and "quick start" instructions for a few of them are included below.
Dispatch from an existing Reservation
There are a number of quick ways to accomplish dispatch from an existing reservation. The two quickest ways are:
- Dispatch from Flights Today Schedule
- Click the Schedules Tab.
- Select Flights Today.
- Click on the applicable reservation block.
- Click the Dispatch button.
- Follow through the process and print a dispatch ticket when the option is offered.
- Dispatch from Review Dispatch Status screen
- Click the Review Tab.
- Select Dispatch Status.
- Locate Pending and Unused Reservations.
- Locate the reservation to be dispatched and select Dispatch from drop down selector in the "Action" column.
- Follow through the process and print a dispatch ticket when the option is offered.
Note: Reservations coming close to dispatch time are made available for dispatch in the Pending and Unused Reservations list based on a setting made by an Administrator. The setting is "Reservations appear on Review page how many minutes before flights", and it's found in the Reservation Settings Parameters available from the Admin Tab / Parameters & Settings menu.
Dispatch of a flight can also be accomplished from the Reservation Details page of any reservation.
Dispatch without a Reservation
If a reservation doesn't exist for a flight, the Dispatch process can still be performed.
- Click the FrontDesk Tab.
- Put the customer In Focus.
- Don't know how to put a customer in focus? Click here to watch a quick e-learning.
- Customer doesn't exist? Click here to watch a quick e-learning.
- Select Operate / Sell.
- Select Dispatch (or Open in systems with Service Orders or Ground Services enabled).
- Locate the Dispatch Without Reservation box.
- Select the flight type and click the customer button (or select a different customer).
- Select the necessary information and click the Dispatch button.
- Follow through the process and print a dispatch ticket when the option is offered.
Standard Check-in
- Check-in from Flights Today Schedule
- Click the Schedules Tab.
- Select Flights Today.
- Click on the applicable reservation block.
- Click the Check-in button.
- Proceed with the check-in process.
- Check-in from Review Dispatch Status screen
- Click the Review Tab.
- Select Dispatch Status.
- Locate Work In Progress.
- Locate the flight to be checked in and select Check In from drop down selector in the "Action" column.
- Proceed with the check-in process.
Late Check-in
- If you are checking in a flight on a day other than the date the flight actually occurred, special care should be taken to check it in properly. Click here for detailed directions for "Morning After" Dispatch & Check-in.
- On occasion it may be necessary to prepare a transaction for a flight that did not involve a system check-in. In MyFBO this is called an "Other" type transaction. This option is not meant to be used routinely to replace the Dispatch / Check-in process, but it can be used to create a transaction with a "services rendered" date in the past.
- Click the FrontDesk Tab.
- Put the customer In Focus.
- Select Operate / Sell.
- Select Other Flight.
- Follow the process, and fill in all the applicable information, which will result in a standard Check In process.
Check-in Errors
What happens when you check-in a flight and realize after the fact that you entered incorrect meter readings? You go back and fix them!
- Click the Review Tab.
- Select Recent Utilization.
- Select an appropriate date range and click Continue.
- Find the appropriate ticket, review the times entered, and click the ticket number link to make revisions as needed. This only revises flight data. It does not revise financial data on the related ticket.
What happens after Check-in?
After check-in, a financial receipt automatically opens for the customer. If it is your responsibility to complete the receipt, do so. If not, you can use the Finish receipt later link at the bottom of the receipt to navigate away. Do Not use the link to Cancel this transaction, or all associated flight data will be lost.
Dispatch & Check-in using the Flight Display Toggle
This real time Flight Display uses the same onscreen space as the usual content pages, but is toggled on and off by a button in the system header (see screen shots below). By clicking a reservation on the Flight Display, that reservation can be directly changed, dispatched, or checked in � helping front desk staff to do their job more quickly. The Flight Display also shows the dispatch status of each reservation and highlights any late check-ins, providing users with a snapshot operational status.
Flight Display Toggle
Flight Display
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