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Fuel Sales

If your operation will sell fuel to the public, this is accomplished through the fuel receipt preparation process. While there are many ways to start the receipt process in MyFBO, this document focuses on fuel only transactions.

The first step to creating a transaction is to place the customer you will be creating the transaction for In Focus. Upon login to MyFBO, your name appears as the name In Focus in both the "Focus" box on the FrontDesk menu and in the yellow Status Bar always present at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on a name in either location will provide a selector box so another customer can be placed In Focus. For more details about the In Focus process, please read FrontDesk Tab, or watch How to Put Customer In Focus (e-learning).

Once a customer is In Focus, there are three quick ways to open a fuel transaction:

  1. Fast Fuel Shortcut (Fuel Truck icon)
  2. Sale option on the FrontDesk Ribbon menu
  3. Sale button on the Frontdesk Button menu

Fast Fuel Shortcut (Fuel Truck icon)

Using the Fast Fuel Shortcut (Fuel Truck icon) opens a simplified, easy to see and use, fuel sales interface. This is a fast option to use for operations mainly in the business of selling fuel. 

This option only exists in systems where Fuel Parameters have been set to sell fuel to the public and at least one fuel tank or truck is included as a resource. For more information, please see Detailed Fuel Management Setup.

  1. Put customer In Focus
  2. Select the Fuel Truck icon.
  3. On the Fuel Sale screen, input the required information and select the Confirm Fuel Transaction button.  

    Fast Fuel Sale

  4. Review the Fuel Sale - Confirmation and Payment information, and select Continue Fueling This Aircraft if additional fuel has been added, or select Receipt Preparation to apply payment and close out the receipt.

    Notice in the example screen shot below that a fuel discount line is included. With MyFBO you have the ability to assign Customer Level Prices in order to apply pre-defined discounts automatically during receipt preparation for select customers. Customer Level Prices for fuel can be set as a discount amount per unit ( -0.58), or set at fixed price per unit (4.41). You may choose to show these discounts as a separate line item on the receipt, or to simply show the reduced rate. For more information, please read Detailed Fuel Management Setup.

    Fuel Sale - Confirmation and Payment

  5. Once the option for Receipt Preparation is selected,  the Create Receipt screen opens for final review of charges and application of payment. If additional charges need to be added to the receipt, such as merchandise sales, they can be added using step 1. Add any additional costs.

    Create Receipt

  6. Occasionally fuel customers will request that a breakout of the F.E.T. be shown on the receipt. After all fuel sales have been added to a receipt, this is accomplished by selecting the Show FET option in the drop down box next to step 1. Add any additional costs.

    Show F.E.T.

  7. Notice in the example screen shot below that the F.E.T. Memo Line has been included. The next step in the process is to apply payment, which is done in step 3. Enter any payment made by selecting a payment type in the drop down box and clicking the Record Payment button.

    If your organization extends credit to customers in the form of in-house monthly charge accounts, payment could also be made in step 4. Specify Customer Account to charge by selecting a charge account in the drop down box and clicking the Go button.

    F.E.T. Memo Line & Payment

Sale from the FrontDesk Ribbon menu or Button menu

Fuel can be sold directly from an open receipt, and this option is more likely to be used by operations adding fuel sales to the receipt in addition to other services, such as aircraft rental. 

  1. To open a receipt, first put the customer In Focus and select Sale/Payment.

    Notice in the screen shot below the options highlighted in red. When a receipt is first opened, before any line items have been added, the Service Date can be changed. This option exists to account for fuel sold on a previous day.

    Also note the option to change Level. Customer levels are a means of providing special pricing to specific groups of customers. A customer level is normally assigned in the customer record, but can also be selected here as needed. This also must be done before any line items have been added to the receipt.

    Change Service Date and Level

  2. Select Fuel in the drop down box next to step 1. Add any additional costs and click the Add button.

    Select Fuel

  3. Select the appropriate tank and enter all other data before clicking Add to add the sale to the receipt.

    Notice in the example screen shot below that the Additive Injected box has been checked. Additive Injectors are supported on disbursement tanks with a surcharge applied as desired. To activate, the additive injector options need to be adjusted in Fuel Type and Fuel Tank settings. System Administrators can adjust these settings from the Admin Tab. For more information, please read Detailed Fuel Management Setup.

    Add Fuel to Receipt

  4. The fuel sale is added to the receipt, along with any preset discount based on customer level. In the example below, the Level 1 customer automatically receives 0.54 discount per gallon.

    Notice in the example screen shot below that a fuel discount line is included. With MyFBO you have the ability to assign Customer Level Prices in order to apply pre-defined discounts automatically during receipt preparation for select customers. Customer Level Prices for fuel can be set as a discount amount per unit ( -0.54), or set at fixed price per unit (4.35). You may choose to show these discounts as a separate line item on the receipt, or to simply show the reduced rate. For more information, please read Detailed Fuel Management Setup.

    Add Fuel to Receipt

  5. Additional fuel sales can be added to an open receipt, making it possible to fuel from two meters, or to include multiple fuelings on the same receipt. The following limitations apply:

    To add an additional fuel sale, select Additional Fuel in the drop down next to step 1. Add any additional costs and click the Add button. On the resulting screen (pictured below), select the appropriate tank or truck. 

    Select Truck/Tank

  6. Enter all the data for the second fuel sale before clicking Add to add the sale to the receipt.

    Additional Fuel

    In the example receipt below, notice that there are line items for both fuel sales and both discounts. This receipt can remain open to add additional sales during the day.

    Add Fuel to Receipt

  7. The next step in the process is to accept payment, which is done in step 3. Enter any payment made by selecting a payment type in the drop down box and clicking the Record Payment button.

    If your organization extends credit to customers in the form of in-house monthly charge accounts, payment could also be made in step 4. Specify Customer Account to charge by selecting a charge account in the drop down box and clicking the Go button.

  8. Once payment has been applied, just as with any other type transaction, a customer receipt copy can be printed or e-mailed. Based on settings in your system Receipt Printing Parameters (Summarize multiple fuelings on receipt), this "customer only" copy may show all the individual fuel entries or a summary. These parameters can be changed by your system Administrator. 

    Detailed Customer Fuel Receipt

    Summarized Customer Fuel Receipt

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