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Tank Management Overview

While refueling of aircraft and fuel sales are the main ways that fuel inventory moves, there are other routine instances of fuel entering or leaving tanks. It is important that all movement of fuel inventory is tracked. MyFBO provides this capability through the Fuel Actions menu available to Manger level staff from the Manage Tab / Fuel Management menu, and available to Ground staff from the same location if "Ground service level can update fuel readings" permission has been granted in the Staff Parameters.

Fuel Actions

The Fuel Actions menu includes the following options:

Tank Calibration

MyFBO provides the opportunity to calibrate fuel tanks by entering manually measured tank contents. To perform a calibration:

The calibration option exists to record the routine calibration of tanks. Some subscribers do this once a week, others do it once a month as part of their monthly closeout routine. When you choose to calibrate depends on your operation. If you calibrate too frequently, you will lose the advantage of being able to spot fuel inventory issues in your MyFBO fuel reports. Whenever you calibrate, the calibration should be recorded in your MyFBO system promptly. 

There is no 'requirement' in your MyFBO system to calibrate tanks, except when you initially set up the system and are ready to start using Fuel Management. At that time you should record an initial calibration for each tank.

Note: The calibration action should not be used as a means to correct perceived errors on fuel reports. Fuel reporting exists to highlight fuel inventory issues. If there are errors on fuel reports due to inaccurate data entry, other means exist to make corrections.

Sump Fuel

On occasion it is necessary to remove fuel via sump, leaving that fuel removal unaccounted for in totalizer readings. MyFBO addresses this situation with a sump record.

Sumped Fuel

Sumped Fuel to Off-Site Recycling

Sumped Fuel Returned to Original Tank

Sumped Fuel Returned to Another Tank of Same Fuel Type

Add Fuel Delivered

Receive fuel into inventory after it arrives and is placed in the tank. To enter fuel deliveries into inventory:

In the example above, the option is also shown to mark the delivery as a Commingled Fuel delivery. This option is only shown if you have an open commingled fuel contract with delivery pending. For more information, please see Commingled Fuel.

Transfer Fuel

Fuel Transfers are performed when fuel is transferred from one tank or truck to another. To perform a fuel transfer:


Recirculate Fuel

On occasion it is necessary to recirculate fuel, moving it through the meter and then returning it to the same tank. MyFBO addresses this situation with a recirculate fuel entry:

Fuel Test

On occasion it is necessary to perform a fuel test, moving fuel through the hose and meter with no return to on-site tanks. MyFBO addresses this situation with the entry of a Test record:

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