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Federal CAN SPAM Act of 2003

The Federal CAN SPAM Act of 2003 specifically allows transactional e-mails such as reservation confirmations and receipts. There are also no restrictions against sending e-mail to your list of customers or prospects provided the e-mail message includes the name and physical address of the sender and an �opt out� link. keeps you in compliance with these legal requirements. 

Once a customer has used the opt out link, a flag is set in the customer record so e-mail will no longer be sent. Customers who log in to your online system can also set their own e-mail preferences from their Profile Tab / Contact Information Menu. Staff can also change the settings if a customer requests not to receive e-mail. The e-mail settings for a customer can be reviewed by putting the customer in focus, then selecting View /Update, followed by clicking the General Information option. The e-mail flags are under the E-mail Preferences section, as shown below. 

E-mail Flags


Avoided Domains

Some e-mail service providers allow their users to flag e-mail messages as SPAM. If there are a sufficient number of flags, the sending e-mail server is �blacklisted,� and all future e-mail is rejected. There is nothing to prevent your customers who receive an e-mail � even a reservation confirmation message that they requested � from flagging that message as SPAM. Unfortunately, some do. 

AOL, Hotmail, MSN, Microsoft, and Windows Live all allow mailbox users to mark messages as SPAM and then use that data to blacklist e-mail senders. Therefore, it is important to be very selective in what e-mail is sent to those addresses to avoid e-mail servers being blacklisted. Otherwise, your users with those e-mail accounts run the risk of not having the opportunity to receive ANY e-mail from your system at all. 

E-mail Types Sent to Avoided Domains?
Broadcast E-mails Yes
Nightly Reservation Reminders Yes
Expiration Notices Yes
Reservation / Reservation Change Confirmations Yes
Receipt E-mails Yes
Monthly Billing Notices Yes
Birthday Greetings No

Steps taken by to help control the number of e-mails sent to the avoided domains (AOL, Hotmail, MSN, Microsoft, and Windows Live) include:

You may want to encourage your customers not to use services from the avoided domains. To date, Google�s Gmail has proven the most reliable of the free e-mail services.

List Customer E-mail Issues

There is a List Customer E-mail Issues report available from Manage Tab / Customer Reports (and from the Broadcast E-mail menu) that includes information about any customer who will not receive e-mails for one of the following reasons: 

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