List Customers by Email Address
List Customers by Email Address is your customer list sorted alphabetically by
primary email address. This list is often accessed from the Connect Tab:
- Click the Connect tab.
- Select Broadcast E-mail.
- Select List Customers by E-mail Address.
The list can also be accessed from the Manage tab:
- Click the Manage tab
- Select Customer Reports.
- Scroll down to the Customer E-mail section.
- Select List Customers by E-mail Address.
There are a number of actions you can take from the resulting report.
- Clicking an e-mail address will allow you to immediately send an e-mail to
that customer.
- A gray background indicates that the customer has elected not to
receive e-mail.
- A red background indicates that the e-mail address has been marked as
- Clicking the customer name will pop open the customer record, allowing you
to update as needed.
- A gray background indicates an inactive customer.
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