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Squawk Tracking Overview

Squawk tracking is enabled by default, but can be disabled in its entirety by operators who prefer a different method for tracking discrepancies. The feature can be disabled by an Administrator via Admin Tab / Features and Options.

For Legacy Classic Edition Subscribers – The MyFBO Classic Edition includes a limited squawk reporting facility that supports the entry and update of a single remarks field for each aircraft. The tracking and management facilities described below are not provided.

Squawk Entry, Categorization, and Amendment

Squawks can arrive in the Maintenance Subsystem from three possible sources:

Because squawks come from this variety of sources and vary in their quality and applicability, the Maintenance Subsystem provides facilities for amending (clarifying) and categorizing squawks. When a squawk is amended or categorized, the original text of the squawk is always retained, as is the identity of the user making the change.

Possible categories of squawks (in addition to default active / unresolved squawks) include suppressed, deferred, and completed / resolved.

Suppressed Squawks

Suppressed squawks are those deemed by the subscriber as unrelated to the airworthiness of the aircraft. For example, an end-customer may report the aircraft upholstery is dirty. Some subscribers would suppress this squawk, as it is not airworthiness related. (Other subscribers might allow this squawk to remain active to provide this information to their maintenance or customer service personnel.)

Suppressed squawks are visible only in the Squawk History reporting available on the Maintenance Menu. For more details, please see View Squawk History.

Deferred Squawks

Deferred squawks are those where immediate repair is not possible and/or necessary. Examples might include the inoperability of a navigation radio that would preclude IFR flight but not require that the aircraft be grounded. (Deferred Squawks can be assigned a deferral expiration date.)

Deferred squawks are always included in the maintenance reports provided for your staff and, if end-customer maintenance review is enabled, to your end-customers. However, the visibility of deferred squawks on the pre-dispatch form and the dispatch ticket is determined by your Dispatch and Check-in Parameters.

Squawk-Based Dispatch Limitations

For Premium and Advanced Edition subscribers, squawks can serve as a limitation on flight dispatch. Your Qualification and Limitation Parameters determine how active and deferred squawks are treated during the dispatch process. Subscribers can choose to regard deferred squawks in the same manner as active squawks (ignore / warn / block), or with different settings.

Note that as with all dispatch blocks, a staff user with manager-level authority can override the block and allow aircraft dispatch regardless of its maintenance / squawk resolution status. As with other actions taken on squawks, overriding a dispatch block is noted in the squawk description.

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