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Finish Maintenance

Maintenance tickets are an integral part of MyFBO maintenance tracking. A maintenance ticket should be completed each time any maintenance is performed on an aircraft. Special care should be taken to enter all the data correctly. The maintenance estimator uses the date completed and meter readings to predict when the maintenance items included on the ticket will come due again. Correct beginning and ending meter readings are not only important for maintenance tracking purposes; they are also important in recording aircraft utilization, especially in regards to payment agreements with leaseback owners.

To prepare a maintenance ticket, do the following:

  1. Click the Manage Tab.
  2. Click Maintenance.
  3. Scroll down to the Maintenance Block / Completion section.
  4. Locate Finish Maintenance
  5. Select the aircraft, and click Go.
  6. On the resulting maintenance ticket, pictured below, enter all the necessary data and click Update.
  7. Maintenance tickets can not be deleted once they've been created, so two warning pop ups are issued before completing the ticket. However, if incorrect meter readings have been entered, these can be corrected in the Aircraft Utilization Report found at the bottom of the main Maintenance Menu and on the Manage Tab / Resource Reports Menu.
  8. Maintenance Ticket


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