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Maintenance Status

The Aircraft Maintenance Status report is available from the Manage tab / Maintenance menu. The Aircraft Maintenance Status report is available in a view only format to all levels of staff users. Managers, mechanics, and others who have been granted maintenance access will see numerous small links in the report that will allow them to update items and to e-mail the report as needed.

  1. Click the Manage tab.
  2. Click Maintenance.
  3. Scroll down to the Maintenance Status of option and from the dropdown menu select an individual aircraft (or all aircraft). Click Detailed or Summary.

The Aircraft Maintenance Status Detailed report includes the following information for each aircraft:

Maintenance Status Detailed - Maintenance Items 

Maintenance Status Detailed - Recent Maintenance History

Maintenance status Detailed - Recent Squawks Resolved

The Aircraft Maintenance Status Summary report includes the following information for each aircraft:

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