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Receipt Preparation Process

Receipt preparation in MyFBO is a five step process:

The steps above can be repeated or omitted, but they must be executed in order. All step 1 and step 2 entries must be made before any step 3 entry; step 3 must be accomplished before step 4, etc. Without exception, every valid receipt must have at least two line entries:

  1. A charge or credit from step 1 or step 2
  2. A payment or refund via step 3 or step 4

There are a number of ways to begin the receipt preparation process in MyFBO. The most common are:

There are instructions listed below for preparing some common types of receipts. There are also numerous e-learnings available on this topic, making it possible to actually watch different types of receipts being prepared. Please take advantage of these learning tools by using the links at the top of this page, or by selecting the Online e-Learning option from the Support Tab in your MyFBO system. 

Receipt Preparation after Check-In:

Receipt Preparation for "Other Flight" transactions:

Receipt Preparation for Sale transactions:


Receipt Preparation for Payment transactions:

Preparing a Refund/Credit Receipt:

Receipts for Discovery Flights / Special Offers:

Receipt Preparation when Redeeming a Gift Certificate:

Refunding the Purchase of a Gift Certificate:

Redeeming a Gift Certificate to a Prepay Account:


The most recent closed receipts can be seen from the Review Tab / Recent Receipts. Options are available to reprint a receipt or see a summary view of a receipt. A duplicate of the receipt may be emailed using either of these options. Receipts may also be reopened and adjusted from the summary view.

All receipts for a particular customer can be seen by putting that customer in focus and selecting View/Update, then Transactions & Balances.

If a receipt is cancelled or deleted, all the data connected to that receipt is deleted as well. For example: A receipt created from the check-in process may include aircraft Hobbs and Tach time. Canceling or deleting the receipt deletes this aircraft utilization information from the system.

Hobbs or Tach data on a receipt can be changed without adjusting or reopening the receipt. This is accomplished from the Review Tab / Recent Utilization. Click any ticket number on the Review Recent Aircraft Utilization page to revise and update the information.

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09/21/10 cli