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Using QuickBooks with MyFBO

If you will be using QuickBooks in conjunction with MyFBO, there are four options available:

1.       Plain Language Journal Entry Report

2.       Journal entry from other Financial Reports

3.       Summary QuickBooks Export

4.       Detailed QuickBooks  Export


Plain Language Journal Entry Report

         Available on the Financial Tab / Accounting Menu

         Requires no setup / pre-definition

         Available by any date range

         Simply print the report and make the journal entries into QuickBooks as often as fits your routine

To learn more about this option, please read General Journal Entries.



Journal entry from other Financial Reports

         Reports available on the Financial Tab / Time and Revenue Menu   

         Requires no setup / pre-definition

         Available by any date range

         Split out by source/cost codes, payment types, customer, resource, etc.

         Detailed and summary views

A couple of examples of summary reports are shown on below, but you should fully explore the Financial Tab in your MyFBO system to see what is available. Many reports also include an option to quickly create an Excel file of the same information. 




QuickBooks Export


Summary QuickBooks Export

         Available on the Financial Tab / Accounting Menu

         Requires that Accounting Export Parameters be set up to match codes / accounts in MyFBO with accounts in QuickBooks

         Available by any date range

         Export file created for import into QuickBooks



Detailed QuickBooks Export

         Available on the Financial Tab / Accounting Menu

         Requires that Accounting Export Parameters be set up to match codes / accounts in MyFBO with accounts in QuickBooks

         Available by any date range

         Export file of every transaction created for import into QuickBooks








About Exporting to QuickBooks

MyFBO does not "connect" to QuickBooks.  An export file can be prepared from MyFBO for import into QuickBooks.

At MyFBO we discourage use of the detailed QuickBooks export unless there is a specific NEED to do so. You should discuss the options outlined in this document with your bookkeeper / accountant to see which one best fits the needs of your operation. MyFBO tracks customer accounting, securely storing a record of every single customer transaction. Using the detailed export means you will have two sets of customer transactions � one in MyFBO and one in QuickBooks. If there is not a need for this duplication, you can avoid the effort of keeping two sets of books synchronized.

MyFBO allows a flexibility in transactions that is not always supported by QuickBooks. Since this flexibility is advantageous to our General Aviation customers, we do not limit our options based on QuickBooks� limitations. The import process into QuickBooks is not difficult, but it is not 100% seamless. Subscribers who use the detailed export option have to accept that at times they may need to make manual adjustments in QuickBooks.

QuickBooks Export Setup and Testing

MyFBO offers the option to create an IIF export file, which is the file type currently accepted by QuickBooks for import. To create this file, you must first set up your Accounting Interface Parameters. This should be done by a fairly knowledgeable user of QuickBooks, and based on the complexity of your QuickBooks setup, it may take some testing of settings and trial importing before you get it right.

When setting up and testing please test using a backup copy of your QuickBooks file. It is also helpful to test using just a couple of transactions so you can more easily see how they are handled by QuickBooks.

If you fill in all the required Accounting Interface Parameters, MyFBO will create detailed or summary export files for any date range. If you miss filling in required parameters, you will receive an error message in MyFBO including a ticket/receipt number and the code type that needs to be addressed. Successful creation of the IIF file does not guarantee successful import into QuickBooks, and since MyFBO does not have access to your QuickBooks system, it is nearly impossible for us to interpret QuickBooks error messages during import. (QuickBooks is notorious for the vagueness of their error messages.) If you receive errors in QuickBooks, we have found that the best bet is to capture the exact text of the message and then search for details using Google.

Before starting the export setup process, please read the following quick help documents: 

Accounting Interface Menu

Accounting Export Parameters

QuickBooks Interface Guide (written by one of our subscribers)  

When it comes to importing into QuickBooks, there are two typical causes for the IIF file not importing: 

         A mismatch in account names. The match must be exact including spelling, capitalization, spaces, and punctuation. The best way to create Accounting Interface Parameters is by copy & paste from the QuickBooks Chart of Accounts. Beware of trailing spaces in the Chart of Accounts, as the account names will never match in this case. 

         A mismatch in the QuickBooks account type specified. These are discussed in the help document QuickBooks Interface Guide. 


The typical causes of transactions not showing up where you think they should be in QuickBooks are: 

         Exporting with unfinished receipts still open. Before you export, you should make sure there are no tickets in the "Incomplete" section of the Review Dispatch Status page. Depending on the date range being exported, these unfinished receipts can get caught in limbo and not export/import at all. 

         Failing to lock tickets before exporting. This will allow staff to revise/reopen tickets after they have been exported, causing the dates to change and causing changes to data that you have already imported once. Always use the "Update Accounting Closing Date (as ticket lock)" link on the Accounting / Interface Menu before final export. 


It is also helpful to know what actually happens when you get an import error in QuickBooks. If an error is encountered while importing the IIF file, QuickBooks will display an error message indicating the transaction where the error occurred. (The information below comes directly from QuickBooks online knowledgebase.) 

         If you choose to continue the import, all transactions except those that experienced errors will be successfully imported into QuickBooks. 

         If you choose to cancel the import, transactions listed before the errored transaction will be successfully imported into QuickBooks. To import the remaining transactions, you will first need to correct any error(s) and re-run the QuickBooks export. 

 To import the corrected and remaining transactions: 

1.       If necessary, correct any error(s) in your QuickBooks configuration or on the QuickBooks Download Report Settings page. 

2.       Re-run the same QuickBooks export, OR depending on the error experienced, you may choose to simply correct the errored transactions in the original IIF import file. 

3.       Delete the transactions that have already been successfully imported into QuickBooks from the new IIF download file. This will prevent duplicate transactions from being imported into QuickBooks. 

4.       Import the modified IIF file into QuickBooks. 


MyFBO Support for QuickBooks Questions

We ask that you use the MyFBO online support system to request assistance for QuickBooks related issues. Providing support by phone for QuickBooks questions is just not possible, since we need time to investigate the details in your MyFBO system, and we then send detailed information and steps back for you to proceed successfully. MyFBO provides Priority 3 support for accounting export issues filed via Support Request with exact error messages and examples included.

When requesting support for QuickBooks export related issues, please be sure to include the following information: 

         Date Range of Export attempted

         Ticket/Receipt Numbers in question 

         Copy & Paste of any MyFBO error message 

         Exact wording of any QuickBooks error message 

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