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Fictitious Customers
Manager level access and above can mark a customer as fictitious. The purpose of a fictitious customer is to allow the creation of reservations and the collection of time for various subscriber-related functions. Many subscribers have fictitious customers with names like Ferry Flight, Staff Meeting, and Ground School. Resources can be reserved for these customers, and dispatch and check-in can occur.
Fictitious customers cannot carry an account balance. Therefore, at check-in, the price of any resources reserved is often set to zero. For example, a one-hour ferry flight would still have an hour of aircraft time and an hour of staff member time. However, by zeroing the prices on these two items, no payment is required of the fictitious Ferry Flight customer.
Any number of resources can be included in a single reservation for a fictitious customer. This facilitates the arrangements for staff meetings where all staff resources would be reserved. To account for staff time attending these meetings, please read Mass Time Clock Entry.
Mark a customer as fictitious in the customer's record, under General Information / Status Flags.
Check as Fictitious
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