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Change Resource Name / Type

Resource data for an individual resource can be entered, reviewed, and updated by a manager from the Manage Tab / Resource Management menu using the Change Resource Data option.

To change data for a resource, select the resource from the drop down box next to Change Resource Data for. This opens the "Resource Data Selection" screen. Different sections of the resource record are accessed from options listed on the Resource Data Selection screen.

The Resource Name / Tail No. screen allows for the Resource ID to be changed. For example, aircraft tail number N12345 could be changed to N12346, or flight staff "Jonas" could be changed to flight staff "Jones". Changing a Resource ID requires that all references to the resource be changed -- in future schedules as well as past records and receipts. If you would prefer NOT to change past records then establish a new resource with a new name instead of renaming a present resource.

The Resource Type screen allows for the resource type to be changed. For example, the resource could be changed from "aircraft" to "flight training device", or aircraft type could be changed from C172 to C172SP. Changing a resource type requires that all references to the resource be changed -- in future schedules as well as past records and receipts.

While either of the above options is being used, your online system must be locked. Therefore, you should not use these functions at times when your system is being heavily used, as transactions in progress may not be completed in their entirety.


Change Resource Name / Tail No.

Change Resource Type
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