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Update Meter Readings

Subscribers using the dispatch and check-in process typically have meter readings entered automatically through that process. If an erroneous (too high) meter reading has been made during check-in, that meter reading should be reset using Update Current Readings. This is also the appropriate place to enter the initial meter readings for aircraft newly added to the system.

To review and update Hobbs, Tach, and other meters:

  1. Click the Manage Tab.
  2. Click Maintenance.
  3. Scroll down to the Data Entry section.
  4. Locate Update Current Readings and click Go.
  5. On the resulting screen, pictured below, review and change readings as needed.
  6. If the tachometer has been read, but the meter reading has not changed, check the box next to the Tach field to simply update the meter reading date.
  7. Once changes have been made, click Save Readings.
  8. Current Meter Readings


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02/18/10 cli