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Inventory - Getting Started
The first steps of enabling and setting up Inventory Management are included in the documents linked below. If you haven't already, please review these documents now.
Every inventory item has Master inventory record (Item Details). Initial creation of these records will be covered later in this document. For now, please review the screen shot below and the explanation of how each of the fields are used.
Item Name - A brief description of the inventory item. 30 character maximum length. Item Name is the only inventory field that shows on service orders and receipts. Recommended format: Description + Part/Item number (Example: Gasket 1515H3 ).
Item Category - Inventory categories are used to sort inventory items into groups for ease of use.
Description - A more detailed description for internal use. 255 character maximum length. (Example: Rubber Gasket 1515H3 15.5" diameter)
UPC - Universal Product Code is a unique numeric product identifier used in the United States and Canada. 12 characters and validated by the system for proper format. Use ONLY for an actual UPC entry. Leave blank otherwise. Must be unique (cannot match another item�s UPC already in the database).
SKU - Stock Keeping Unit is a unique product identifier provided by the subscriber. 20 character maximum length. SKU can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens. Use for SKU or part number. Need to use this if you don't use UPCs, and can also use in conjunction with UPCs. Must be unique (cannot match another item�s SKU already in the database).
Has Serial Number - If an inventory item is a part with a serial number, selecting this option will allow entry of serial numbers each time an item is received, making it possible to sell and track each item by serial number.
Maintenance Use Only - If an item is marked Maintenance Use Only, it can not be sold directly to a customer. The item can only be added to a service order.
Unit of Measure - The means or quantity in which an inventory item is packaged. The most frequent unit of measure is 'each'. Other units of measure include quart, gallon, inch, foot, case, and package.
Shipping Weight - Shipping Weight is simply an informational field. The data does not appear in reporting. The field exists to estimate or justify shipping charges passed on to customers.
Item Taxed As - This option is used to apply the proper tax rate when the item is sold. Options in the drop down correspond to tax rates set by an Administrator via the Admin Tab / Locations & Taxes menu.
Default Bin - Physical location of an inventory item, like a place on a shelf in a warehouse or a container in which small items are held (a "bin"). The purpose is to assist in locating an item, either so you can find it for a customer or find it when a physical inventory is required. (Example: Bin1, Shelf2)
Location / On Hand / Max Quantity - Location corresponds to the airport location where the item is stocked. On Hand is the quantity currently in stock (from being 'received', which will be discussed later in this document). Max Quantity is a limit on the quantity of the item that should be on hand, and works in conjunction with a defined 'order point' to generate a report of Reorders Required.
Default Pricing - Every inventory item created has a default retail price. Other & Wholesale prices should be enabled only if you routinely sell inventory at multiple price points. For example, FBOs with a service shop may sell certain parts at below retail to a select group of customers, or may add inventoried parts at a rate of 0 to service orders for internally owned aircraft. If you have questions about these pricing options, please enter a support ticket or contact [email protected] for assistance.
Sale Pricing - An item can be placed 'On Sale' at a discounted rate for a specified date range.
Once you understand the information contained in inventory records, the next step is understanding the basic inventory process. Day to day inventory tasks of creating inventory items and receiving inventory, and the periodic task of recording physical counts/audits, are accomplished from the Manage Tab / Inventory Management menu.
Create Inventory Item
An inventory item is created from the Manage Tab / Inventory Management menu.
Remember, Item Name is the only inventory field that shows on service orders and receipts, so you need to include all the information that you want the customer to see.
Receive Inventory
An inventory item is received from the Manage Tab / Inventory Management menu. Receiving inventory is the process of recording quantities delivered and the associated cost. Proper receiving is integral to inventory management. If receipt of inventory is not recorded, Inventory Valuation reports available on the Manage Tab / Inventory Reports menu are invalid.
Also note the plus sign in the upper left corner of the screen. This opens a special side panel menu that allows you to take other actions on this specific inventory item, including viewing and editing location data (for systems with multiple locations), recording a physical count on the item, viewing history of orders received, and viewing (or adding) vendors associated with the item.
Physical Count
All operations have some requirement to periodically perform a physical count of inventory on hand. The count for a specific item can be updated, the count for a group of items, or a category of items can be updated, or the count for all items can be updated. Physical count data is entered from the Manage Tab / Inventory Management menu
Physical Count is not a replacement for properly receiving items; however, in a new system setup, after all initial inventory items have been created, Physical Count is the proper method to record the initial quantities on hand.
Mass Entry Options
On occasion, you may have the need to update multiple inventory records at once. An example of this is an across the board price increase. Options to do this are available from the Manage Tab / Inventory Reports menu. The 'List' reports include options to mass edit specific data fields on screen in the reports. The fields that can be edited are always notated with a gold corner.
List Item Quantities
Includes options to set Reorder Point and Max Quantity to keep on hand.
List Item Pricing
Includes options to update prices and to mark an item for Mx use only.
List Item Descriptions
Includes options to update Item Name, UPC, SKU, and to set Tax rate.
It's fairly common for MyFBO Support to receive requests to bulk change Item Name entries a few weeks after subscribers start to really use inventory. Once again, Item Name is the only inventory field that shows on service orders and receipts, so you need to include all the information that you want the customer to see. If you hit the situation of needing to move text from one field to another, you can do so in the List Item Descriptions report using cut and paste.
List Numbered Items
Includes option to update the Serial number of an item.
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01/08/13 cli